July – October 2023

Isabella Tessier is a recent Fine Art graduate from Newcastle University (2023) and is going on to study a Print MA at the Royal College of Art. Her art practice centres around the methodologies used to record and capture the transient experience of performance for the viewer through drawing and printmaking.

‘A Stage upon Which we Move’ choreographs together Isabella Tessier’s drawings made in response to three performances in the North-East. These include:

  • ‘More Blacks, More Dogs, More Irish’ performed by SoreSlap Theatre Company at Alphabetti Theatre (2022),
  • Pursuers of The Future’ at Theatre Space in Sunderland (2023),
  • ‘The FLOW Project’ with primary school children around Ponteland area and the Pele Trust (2023).

Within ‘A Stage upon Which We Move’, look upon a miniature theatre set celebrating the performing arts community of the North-East. Isabella Tessier translates her impressions of each of the performances and brings them together on one jewel-toned stage. Her gestural, chalk drawings express both the physicality of movement and the transient nature of performance. In positioning the performance drawings together, the window box symbolises the larger community of theatre and dance in the North-East.

Isabella Tessier’s Past projects include collaborative work with theatre companies in Newcastle (2022), making monoprints in response to dance performances in the 59th Venice Biennale during a British Council Fellowship (2022) and exploring footage of dance from the Library of Congress’s digital archive, work exhibited in Karina/Rita (2021).


