Iain Bolton

Know Your Place

That thing, you know, art?

That’s not your thing. It’s not in your life contract.

Behold the reality of your birthright. Why do something you love, when you’re able to do something you hate?

It’s a beautiful concept of non-reality.

Know your place! Underachieve in the comfort of your familiar environment. The environment designed for underachievers.

Why though? What’s the reason for this ignorance of you and your place?

Show the fuckers!

There’s a beauty and a talent to what you achieve.

This is me showing you.

I know my place.

Artist Bio

Iain Bolton is an artist and photographer who lives in Ashington Northumberland.

He grew up in Lynemouth, living in The Lynemouth Inn (a then Vaux Pub) with his Mam and Sister and then in various colliery houses in the village. Creativity was more about developing strategies to avoid getting your head kicked in on the bus on the way home from school.

His only formal creative qualification is Art O Level which he gained when leaving school in 1986 aged 16.

In 2014 he started drawing and painting again after a 38-year sabbatical involving life in general.

He works from his small art studio overlooking the bay in Newbiggin by the Sea, Northumberland, obsessively drawing and occasionally painting those scenes and those moments that most choose to not to notice.
